I just wanna say

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to ya’ll. Yes I’m a hypocrite I’ve left but I still come back to read posts and… idk. xD So I still have a bit more to say.

Also, people are still following my blog even though I’ve quit?!

And I just wanna know – how’s Fantage been lately? Any better? The same level of boredom? Prices higher? Membership privileges higher and us nons get almost none? Tell me all about that, cuz I wanna know how lame it is right now. 😛 I see cloud leaving and we’re all gonna miss her. ❤

And ofc, the question I’ll always ponder: should I come back or should I not? Do my followers actually care to read and comment on my posts? I mean my quitting post literally got only views. Not even 10? Is that too much to ask for? Considering I have 80+ followers… is this just me thinking that my blog is lame or what.

– silver –

[OFFICIAL] Quitting


Title says it all.

I haven’t logged onto Fantage since I last posted. Clearly, I have no intention of blogging anymore or caring about posting about Fantage.

Thanks for being my awesome readers guys. : ) I’ve said before there is a very slight chance I might come back, but I guess that chance has grown smaller.

So… yeah. 99% quitting, 1% I might come back.

– silver –


Fantage’s unlucky number is 99, no joke

It’s seriously the unlucky number and a troll



Now the dressing room is trolling on me too

And it gets worse – when it hAPPENS IN A FASHION SHOW

Anyone else relate?

– silver –


I just logged onto Fantage (since I was super bored) for the first time in forever ever since I quit.

*poof* *appears in Downtown*

*sees Le Shop*


And yus ik, those eyebrows are waaay too high… but it goes well with the expression anyways.

okay, this was what I saw…


did they just revamp its appearance


oh no no nOO

*goes inside*

(yes, behold my unrealistic eyes and pixelled form)




and Michelle dONT you dare wave at me like that!!!! this is an outrage!! I’m not even looking at you bruh, just because I’m the only one there doesn’t mean I’m your victim

EDIT: Also… why are the items 6,000 stars ._.

And also, Star Cafe?


Just wow…

At least Molly’s still acting cheerful – no idea what she did while the cafe was being renovated


anyway, I got a rare item today. xD

Here’s my OOTD!


Also… I didn’t get much comments from you all on my previous post. Only Likes. So would you guys really want me to come back? *COUGH*

– silver –

I think this is goodbye.

**Please read, this is important.**

You can guess by this title what this whole post means.

I’m sorry, guys. I have no motivation to blog about Fantage whatsoever. Also, what’s the point of it anymore? It’s seriously getting horrible. Even ClubPenguin has been better than this (sometimes). >_> Not even kidding.

Anyway, even if I still played Fantage, I feel too lazy and unmotivated to blog about it anymore. I know this blog has been going good so far, but up to here, it’s probably my time to go.

The previous post (which I deleted, sorry *cough*), I was saying how I might be most likely leaving. I asked for suggestions for another blog idea, and they were great ones (thanks ya’ll!)! But I am still too unmotivated to go WordPress just to blog, reply to comments, etc. etc.

Also, I’m not really sure if I want to spill things about my personal life (like what happened today or something. Idk, it doesn’t seem very “okay” to me). For my art, you guys can go to http://xberrysilver.deviantart.com (for those who don’t know).

To 1cherry13, I apologize that I’m not able to make your header. 😦 I hope you understand! >_<

For those who want to keep in contact (I don’t even check it anymore), just email my blog email (check out the welcome Sticky Post).

Summary: there is 89.99% chance that I’m not coming back.

Thank you for being my readers 🙂 Maybe I might come back if I gain enough support and if people really enjoyed my blog that much. But for now…

Seeya later, alligators.
– silver –

Well then.

Hey guys, you can probably tell by now… I don’t post anymore 😐

WAIT wait correction (*cough*): I haven’t been posting lately. Okay. Make that 1 month. That’s long enough. Anyway, it’s been too long since I’ve updated anything.

Life’s pretty crazy… and I just don’t have motivation or energy to post stuff anymore

Cuz seriously?

Fantage is … <_> idek anymore. 🙄

So yeah, I’m taking a break from blogging. I’ll miss you guys a lot :/
OK before you think I’m leaving for good, no I am not, thank goodness!! xD (Idk really.) But still, I’ve decided to just put this blog on the back burner.

I hope I’ll come back soon.

– silver –

Chillin’ in Downtown

So there were these 3 girls talking about “baes”. >_>

One was like, “I don’t need a bae.” Her friend went, “I’ll help you find one.”

On another side, there was this guy that said to the girls around him, “I need a bae.” And then the girls around him were like “can I be your bae” and then like the next second he disappeared


And a few more dramas are going on with this “hot” guy called hi_guyes (LOL) and then there’s this girl standing next to him in a bikini u.u

And now there’s another guy circling those 3 girls saying “heyyy” and another guy saying “wanna date”

Like wow these people are spoiled! 😐

Rn the left side of Downtown is a place for finding baes. Have fun.
– silver –

New Items!

Hey all! Fantage just released some new items! 😮


Well… I’m surprised the guys have very… flashy outfits. <_>

Hairs & Clothing

I love the red and orange hairs! I’m surprised the Blonde Double Bun(s) are for nons u_u

I ❤ the Light Blue Dress, it’s so pretty! *o*

Ok, Fantage, first of all: you literally recoloured the rare silver earrings and made them green. Now it looks even uglier. -_-

Second, jeans. Don’t. Have. Feelings. They are not “distressed”, even though they are ripped. Not the same thing.


Anyway… my anger put aside, the shoes are really nice too :O


Aw, the mushrooms are so cute! :3 The boards are really nice :”D

“Summertime Shine Board”

Back to my ListOfThingsFantageDoesn’tDoRight. Fourth: The non-member board isn’t a rug “full of cats”. There are like, only two there. That’s not a lot.

And then there’s those cats…


Blue: Grumpy. Orange: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Suspicious alrite…!

Totally invisible girl ^

12        13
These pairs of hairs (that rhymed!)… any similarity?

That’s all for now 🙂
– silver –

Re-blog for a header!

😀 I like number 5!

Fantage Spy

I got some time on my hands, soo if you want a header, just Re-Blog!

But since I am a lazy, sleep deprived, piece of shrimp, I’ll only make headers for the first 5 people who Re-Blog.

Also, the headers I make may or may not suit your taste xD

If you like the following headers, maybe you’d like the one I make for you!
1. header2






Also when you re-blog, mention which header from above is your favourite. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) You can choose up to 2.


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